Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Dear Wonderful and Beautiful Followers!
I know it has been a long time since I have posted on the Foody Mommy.  In fact, I think that I probably have started all my recent posts out like that.  Life has taken many unscheduled turns over the last year.  I got a teaching job, just recently lost that teaching job, and have begun a new journey.  I am still going to keep posting on this blog when I have great recipes. I was feeling a lot of pressure to come up with something new and original every night for dinner.  I wanted to share with you something that a friend of mine introduced to me.  It's called E-Meals and it is FANTASTIC.  You get a menu for the week, there are all different menus from which to choose and they are e-mailed to you once per week along with a grocery list!  It's been my lifesaver the past few months!  It cost me $25 for the whole year, although I got that price on a Living Social Deal. If you'd like more information you can visit the E-Meals website at www.emeals.com.  It's FABULOUS!

Now, onto my new venture.  I have decided to document this next year with a new blog called Elizabeth's Beautiful Life.  I would LOVE it if you would come and join me on that Blog as well!  A couple of weeks ago I was notified that I lost my beloved teaching job.  I was devastated to say the least!  I loved that job SO MUCH, I have to say it was my most favorite teaching job since I started my career.  I had such a connection with my students and their families.  I cried for days after I found out that my position had been eliminated.

After much sadness and grieving, I considered applying for another teaching job.  Nothing felt right  to me and nothing really made me really jump with excitement.  Then I started thinking...I joined Mary Kay on a whim back in May.  After talking with my husband about it, I decided I was going to take the leap and do Mary Kay full time for one year.  Elizabeth's Beautiful Life is the story of my journey through throwing caution to the wind, taking the leap, and running my own business for an entire year!  There will also be TONS of great giveaways and I am hoping to partner with other blogs as well.  I would like to invite all of you to join Elizabeth's Beautiful Life and share in my journey this year.  

Thank you for your support and loyalty!  


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I welcome your feedback! I would love to hear if you have tried a recipe and what you think. I also love new ideas, so please share! Thanks so much for reading!