Wednesday, August 04, 2010

No Go BlogHer Blog Hop

Hi Everyone!  Since I am fairly new to blogging I had no idea there were conferences out there for bloggers! I would love to attend Blogher sometime in the future, but with a two year old it is hard to get away, so I am participating in the No Go Blogher Blog Hop instead!

1.When did you start blogging? I started blogging in March of this year.

2.Why did you start blogging?  I was getting TONS of questions about how I get Daniel to eat this or that, and how he had such a sophisticated palate for such a little guy.  I have always loved food and I wanted to share my experiences and my ideas with other people.  I also found it a way to get my voice out there and interact with new people since I became a stay at home mom.

3.What is one thing you are going to do this week that is WAY cooler than going to BlogHer? Celebrating my son's 2nd birthday!

4.Share a post that you think says a lot about you or is your favorite. (share the link in YOUR post so we all can see) I feel this blog entry has an important message


  1. Hi - I already follow you...just stopping by to say hi :)

  2. Samesies with the BlogHer buzz- I really just got into serious blogging on my maternity leave.

    I'm itching for a veggie/rice/refried beans burger- about to scour your page for a match!


  3. Hmm...I don't have a veggie, beans, and rice burger, but you have inspired me to come up with one! Thanks for the idea!

  4. I just found your blog and it's beautiful! Looking forward to learning more about you and your family! ~ Take Care...

  5. I can answer most of these question through a link My answer for you link it's an older post but would take a long time for me to answer here.

  6. Happy Birthday to your son!!
    Stopping in from No Go BlogHer Blog Hop to say" Hi"!!
    I now follow!

  7. I agree with you about food deception. I have a number of food allergies, as does my sister. My Mom had a hard time cooking healthy meals that we were not allergic to. When she put something on the table, by God, we ate it or went hungry. Non of this picky eater stuff. So I wonder about people who let a two year old dictate what he will or will not eat. My rant for the day.

    Here on the NoGo blog hop.


I welcome your feedback! I would love to hear if you have tried a recipe and what you think. I also love new ideas, so please share! Thanks so much for reading!