Friday, July 30, 2010

Well When it Rains it Pours

Hello Dear Readers,
This is just a little note to let you know I haven't forgotten you.  As you know, we had sickness go through our house last week, and now wouldn't you know it, I am sick.  Yes, here I am, I have tucked myself into bed, and I have a fever of 100.5.  I feel like a truck hit me, and it came on all of the sudden.  I felt fine this morning, even took Daniel to his swimming lesson and played in the pool for awhile afterwards. Then around lunch time I stated to get a bit of a headache, so after I put Daniel down for a nap I lay down.  When I got up again it was not good at all.   So I am sorry, dear readers, for a lack of a recipe tonight, I didn't cook.  Again.  I know, how rare for me, right?  I promise that I have lots of good stuff planned for next week.  I know I have yet again dropped the ball on the  blog hops, so if you are here visiting from one of the blog hops, I promise you, as soon as I am able (which will most likely be tomorrow, or at least I am hoping), I will get over and visit your blogs too.  I visited a few blogs this morning while blog hopping and I am always amazed at how many wonderful blogs there are out there.  When I began blogging, I never could have imagined what a wonderful community I have joined.  Anyway, that is all for now, I am putting myself to bed!  Goodnight!


  1. So sorry to hear that you are ill! My son just got over a 24 hour illness with a 104.5F fever. He was miserable and I'm sure that is how you feel. Take care of yourself and get plently of rest. I look forward to your next post.

  2. aw...hope you are feeling better!!

  3. I am so sorry to hear that you are sick! I hope you feel better soon! Take the time to really rest you shouldn't have to apologize for not getting any blogging done when you don't feel good! I hope your weekend gets better!

  4. Eww yucky! Hope you all feel better soon! I am following from Follow Friday and just wanted to say hi! Great blog, and I will be back when you are feeling better :)


I welcome your feedback! I would love to hear if you have tried a recipe and what you think. I also love new ideas, so please share! Thanks so much for reading!