Sunday, July 25, 2010

CBLT Wraps

Be sure to enter the Eating for Beginners Giveaway.  Ends at midnight on August 1st!  Also, check out Challenge Post #2 for a chance to win 10 entries in the EFB Giveaway and a featured spot on my blog!

You will have to forgive me again for the lag time in posting.  This was last night's recipe. We are having such a hard time kicking this bug that is going around our house.  First David and Daniel had it, then Daniel got Impetigo, then I got whatever David had, and this is day two of that, so I feel pretty yucky.  I didn't even cook tonight.  Welcome to all my new followers, I promise to get around to visiting your blogs soon enough.  I also won an award that I need to post!  Being sick really isn't any fun!  Anyway...enough carrying on about that!  Onto tonight's recipe:

Here is a super easy recipe that takes about 5 minutes (and I mean 5 minutes literally) to whip together.  I make this with leftover chicken (last night I used the leftover Baked Crunch Pesto Chicken but you could use any leftover cooked chicken, or even a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store would work just fine)!  These are great for a quick dinner, picnics, or I sometimes take them along when we are traveling for an easy lunch!

CBLT (chicken, bacon, lettuce, tomato) Wraps 

  • 1 cup cooked chicken, diced
  • 1 tomato, diced
  • 1 cup shredded lettuce
  • 6 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 3 tbsp. mayonnaise (I used homemade cooked egg mayo, but you could use store bought)
  • 6 large flour tortillas
In a medium bowl, mix all of the ingredients together except for the tortillas.  Heat the tortillas in the microwave by placing them between two damp paper towels and heating for 30 seconds.  Place 1/3 cup of filling into the middle of the tortilla, fold sides of tortilla, and roll up to secure.  Enjoy!

Until next time, happy and HEALTHY cooking and EATING!


  1. YUM! I think I just found the "undecided" part of my menu for this week. Those seriously look amazing.
    I hope you, David and Daniel all feel better soon! My little man has had a stomach bug all week, I know how much it stinks to have a little one sick. :(

  2. Your newest follower from Sunday stroll! Those look absolutely yummy!


I welcome your feedback! I would love to hear if you have tried a recipe and what you think. I also love new ideas, so please share! Thanks so much for reading!