Monday, July 12, 2010

30 Day Foodie Mommie Fit Family Challenge

Hi Everyone!  I would like to announce my 30 Day Foodie Mommie Fit Family Challenge!

Recently, I have been thinking a lot about what it means to be a healthy family.  I have come to realize that even though a healthy lifestyle has a lot to do with a healthy diet, it also  has a lot to do with spending quality time with you family, building relationships with those who are closest to you.  My family has been through a lot in the last couple of years, namely with moving to the Midwest.  Daniel has Sensory Processing Disorder and could potentially have Asperger's and David works a tremendous amount.  This has put a strain on us and so recently we have decided that we really need to engage in activities that build us up as a family.  This has inspired me to create the Foodie Mommie 30 day Fit Family Challenge.  I am asking all of you to join me in participating for at least 30 days in this challenge.  

Here are the rules:

  • If you have a blog, grab the Fit Challenge Button and post it, either on your site or in a post and post the Fit Challenge Promise (you can copy and paste):  
I/we______________(your name here) am/are participating in the 30 Day Foodie Mommie Fit Family Challenge.  I promise:
    •  to spend time with my family cooking at least one healthy meal made from whole foods
    •  engage in at least one physical activity with my family
    • sit down to a family meal                                                                           
         at least once per week for the next 30 days.  I encourage you to join me too!
  • Link your blog to the challenge at the end of this post.
  • Keep a journal of your activities and be sure to come back and share in the comments, or post about your activities and recipes and link them back to The Foodie Mommie on the Challenge Page so that we all can share our ideas with each other.
Please note that you can still participate even if you don't have a blog.  Be sure to share your ideas in the comments section of the challenge page, or in the comments section of this post.  You can sign the creed by posting it in the comment section! I am really looking forward to participating in this challenge with all of you and hearing your wonderful ideas!  

This challenge ends on August 13th. If this is successful, I will probably do another one!


  1. What a great idea! We all intend to do these things, and then "real life" gets in the way. Making a public commitment keeps us headed in the right direction ... :)

  2. I have enjoyed following your blog and have written down - but not yet tried some of your recipes! I have an award for you on my blog!


I welcome your feedback! I would love to hear if you have tried a recipe and what you think. I also love new ideas, so please share! Thanks so much for reading!